These 10 healers fill spaces and hearts. They encapsulate the philosophy of being and give us the strength to stop merely “surviving” and start living again. Once you've seen what...
Set of 13 posters 15.75 x 15.75 in (40 x 40 cm) 350 g paper Printed in Germany innerwise publishing Special size "Leo for at home” Leo Königsberg created the...
50 Brain Fit Worksheets Paper (8.27 x 8.27 in / 21 x 21 cm) 170g/m2 paper innerwise Publishing Includes both the German and English version An innerwise tool for people...
B-Ware: Das Silberamulett mit kleinen Verfärbungen auf der Oberfläche oder anderen kleinen Imperfektionen. Die Funktion des Amulettes wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt. Material: 9g 925er Sterling-Silber, Karneol, Türkis, Rhodochrosit, Lapislazuli, Jaspis, Aventurin...
Each Check Up Notebook contains 50 sheets for working with LIVE! by innerwise, the Healing Game of Life 8.3 × 11.7 in (standard A4) 120 g paper The notebook for...
30 Tester Cards made from coated cardboard 8.27 x 2.87 in (21 x 7.3 cm) Manufactured by innerwise Publishing For your professional work with systems, companies and organizations, projects and...
ISBN: 9783981472578
Published by innerwise Verlag
Az innerwise nagykönyve. Régi tradíció szerint filozófiai és etikai alapvetésekkel indít, és aki olvasóként mindezeket átélte, a könyv további részében az innerwise-t ajándékba kapja.
50 cards Size: 3.86 x 3.86 in (9.8 x 9.8 cm) 300 g/m2 paper The perfect systems analysis tool for supervisors and project managers Use the cards to determine the...
Supplement for the systemwise Work Folder Sticky notes 50 sheets Size: 2.73 x 2.60 in (6.94 x 6.6 cm)Language: german innerwise Publishing The decision-making aid for accepting new clients Potential...
50 flyers in standard DIN format (3.9 x 8.27 in / 9.8 x 21 cm) 400 g/m² paper innerwise Publishing These flyers are printed on DIN standard-format paper (3.9 x...
25 posters in A3 size (11.7 x 16.5 in) 170 g/m² Paper innerwise Publishing The posters for DARE Days and GAME Nights are in standard A3 size (11.7 x 16.5...
Large (A3-size) worksheets Depending on the version you order, includes Color Cards, Color Chips or the innerwise Complete Healing System Manufactured by innerwise Publishing Freeing your sexuality from irritations, limitations...
1 poster 16.5 x 23.4 in (standard A2 size) and 1 folding card Manufactured by innerwise PublishingMade in Germany Special size The Space in Between The innerwise Healing System for...
14 healing cards, 1 tester card and 1 gameboard 1 poster (16.5 x 23.4 in / standard A2) and 1 folding card 1 playing card and 1 folding card Language:...
Buch mit 60 Seiten,1 Schreibblock, 91 Kunststoffformen, 2 Kunststoffplatten, 1 Stift, Post-it Aufkleber, Metallbox ISBN: 9783981472561 22,0 x 31,0 x 2,5 cm Hersteller: innerwise Verlag, Imago ist das Bild, das...
45 Kunststoffkarten und eine Testkarte (14,8 cm x 14,8 cm) Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch Hersteller: innerwise Verlag 16,5 cm x 16,5 cm x 4 cm Die zugehörigen Beschreibungen sind seit...
Panta rhei The easy way to clear issues through meditation: discharge, clear attachments, regain what you have lost, open yourself. And Creation laughs. Choose the issue that you want to...
12+1 Dimensions, based on the teachings of Burkhardt Heim: an animated journey of discovery from innerwise According to the teachings of Burkhardt Heim, the 12 Dimensions of the Universe are...
Ein kompletter Basiskurs zum mitmachen mit 35 Videos We filmed the entire innerwise Basic course with 12 participants, a four-person film crew and six cameras. Now, you can join us...
An online course for therapists, doctors, coaches, consultants and all who want to dive into the possibilities of energy medicine or expand their knowledge and skills. A complete, interactive intensive...
Broschüre, 44 Seiten innerwise Verlag 2017 in den PSY-TEK Labs in Kalifornien durchgeführte Studie zu innerwise. Die Probanden wurden mit folgenden Methoden vor und 20 min nach einer innerwise Behandlung...
50x Broschüre 16 Seiten Format: 21x21 cm innerwise Verlag innerwise erklärt für Jeden. Eine Imagebroschüre, die Selbstanwender anspricht, ebenso wie Therapeuten und Ärzte und auch Businessmenschen. Hier die Überschriften im...
Material: 9g 925er Sterling-Silber, Karneol, Türkis, Rhodochrosit, Lapislazuli, Jaspis, Aventurin und Jade, Größe: rund, Ø 3,3 cm, Hersteller: innerwise Verlag Das Silberamulett ist entstanden aus den Forschungen des Arztes Uwe...
Sprache: Deutsch Poster DIN A0, 250 g lackiert Poster DIN A1, 250 g lackiert 3 transparente Kunststoffscheiben Durchmesser 14 cm 27 Testkarten aus beschichtetem Karton, Din lang 25 Arbeitsblätter A3...
27 Tester Cards made from laminated card stock Language: German Manufacturer: innerwise Publishing 8.27 x 2.87 in (21 x 7.3 cm) innerwise field product: This product was created by Ulrike...
3 transparent plastic discs Diameter: 5.51 in (14 cm) Manufacturer: innerwise Publishing innerwise field product: This product was created by Ulrike Braunnagel. Place the Target, Spotfinder and Uncover discs over...
Test sheets 50 sheets 8.27 x 8.27 in (21 x 21 cm) 250 g paper innerwise Publishing As life moves on, its events cause us to lose energies of various...
innerwise Verlag Language: English pages: 410 ISBN: 978-1-943625-64-2 Note for customers outside the EUIf you only order this book, we have to charge you € 19.50 for covering the shipping costs....
208 pages Allegria Taschenbuch Verlag 2011 Language: Polish ISBN-13: 978-8373777798 18,8 cm x 12 cm Tak - Nie? Uwe Albrecht Kazdy z nas posiada wewnetrzna madrosc, ktora moze go prowadzic...
194 pages Hay House Publishing 2012 Sprache: Englisch ISBN-10: 1848509758 ISBN-13: 978-1-84850-975-7 20 cm x 13,1 cm Did you know that our bodies can talk? They can say “yes” and “no.”...
Material: 170 g paper 58.27 x 28.62 in (148 cm x 60 cm) Manufacturer: innerwise Publishing Special size The graphic structure of the Make Me an Instrument hologram geometrically potentializes...
Material: Plastic-laminated canvas 35.43 x 35.43 in (90 x 90 cm) Booklet: 28 pages Manufactured by innerwise Publishing Special size The path to integrity Behind the innerwise Medicine Wheel is...